Help & Support
Bigging yourself up can be quite daunting — we get that! But it’s an awesome skill to have which is why we’ve made this handy little guide to help you with the application process.
Optional Supporting Materials
Supporting materials are not required but could help you with your application.
We want to know more about you – but also, this is your opportunity to show us more about you.
They can be anything from a supporting letter from a school, business owner, parent, or guardian. Interested in Civil Engineering, why not include a picture or short video of you building something; or maybe if you’re looking to study Music Technology you might want to include a track you’re working on. Proud of something you’ve done in your chosen field? Show us!
To be considered for the scholarship you will need to complete a short application form. You’ll also need to make an application through UCAS to BCU for your chosen course.

- You live in the West Midlands Combined Authority area in the United Kingdom. We do not accept international applications.
- You are 18 by September 2025, and looking to start an undergraduate degree at Birmingham City University in the Faculty of Computing, Engineering and the Built Environment.
- Your chosen course is listed on our website under the ‘What Courses are Included’ section.
- Be available to participate in the workshop and interview process in 2025.

How to Answer the Questions…
How to Answer the Questions…
For this, we ask that your answer includes what interests you about your chosen degree; what career path you want to take with your degree, and what value the degree will add to your life. In short, we’re looking for you to demonstrate your passion for the subject, and the impact that you wish to make with your degree.
“STEM” is the umbrella term to describe science, technology, engineering and maths. In this question, we’re looking for evidence of your passion and interest in the subject outside of formal education. For example, if you want to study coding, have you worked on any personal projects? Taken part in hackathons? Maybe you’ve taught yourself Python. If you want to study civil engineering then maybe you’ve designed your own suspension bridge? Taken part in an after-school engineering club or competition?
It doesn’t have to be a big thing, even if it’s learning in your own time or having a family member already in that chosen career who you actively approached for a greater understanding. Show us that you are passionate and have an invested interest in your subject.
We’re looking for an answer that includes those personal qualities that you will use as a STEM practitioner during your studies or in your STEM career. It may be that you are excellent at planning and organising STEM events or you are a good problem solver and will spend hours researching on how to solve problems. Let us know what personal qualities you have that will have a positive impact going forward.
What achievements are you most proud of? These could be academic, practical or personal. Perhaps you hold a position of responsibility in or out of school, or have undertaken work experience or voluntary work, do you have a hobby that’s allowed you to shine? Do you have a plan for the future? What’s that one problem in the world right now that you’re itching to solve? What is it that you like to achieve, and how do you think you’d use the knowledge and experience you’ll gain through the scholarship to help get there?
How would a free degree change your life outside of reducing student debts? Would this scholarship give you opportunities that you wouldn’t have had? How do you think that you could benefit from the support the scholarship offers and what would it mean to you on a personal level were you to win the scholarship?
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Useful Links
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Scholarships – Help
About Millennium Point Trust
Contact our scholarship team
Whether you have a question or you’re looking to get notified when applications open our team are here to help.
Complete the form on the right and a member of our scholarship team will be in touch with a response within 48 hours.